
Would you like to make a valuable contribution to the success of our company? Then check out our vacancies. We look forward to receiving your application!

Holiday job

Are you between 13 and 17 years old and looking for an exciting vacation job during the spring, summer or fall break? Whether sanding, assembling, punching, drilling, assembling or packing - we have something for everyone. Take the opportunity to gain new experience and supplement your pocket money at the same time!

Vacation job application | PDF (German)

Open apprenticeships

If you are interested in starting an apprenticeship at MEGA GOSSAU Ltd., we would be happy to invite you to a test day. Please contact us for a preliminary clarification by phone or send us the completed registration form by e-mail.

Apply online or submit your complete documents to us electronically, including multicheck.

Spontaneous application

We are always on the lookout for qualified personnel. Submit your complete documents using the application form without any obligation. We would be pleased to check your documents and look forward to contacting you.

to the application form

Working at MEGA

Training at MEGA

[Translate to Englisch:]

Contact & application form